Case Management, Medico-legal and Report Services

As we specialise in the physiotherapeutic management of adults and children following acquired brain injuries, traumatic head injuries and complex neurological presentations, we welcome referrals from Case Managers and Solicitors who wish to source physiotherapy assessment and rehabilitation for their clients. Our specialist team can provide training, advice and support to associated care teams who are involved in a client’s rehabilitation and care management, and work closely with those team members and Case Managers at any point throughout the client’s journey. Our team is committed to supporting the quality of client care through the implementation of an evidence-based approach to maintaining standards in practice, by means of regular Clinical Supervision and Continued Professional Development.

Case ManagementThe Neuro Physiotherapists at Yorkshire Neuro Physiotherapy can provide detailed medico-legal reports following the assessment of an individual referred to us via a Case Manager, Solicitor or Insurer. We are also able to provide occupational health reports regarding an individual’s functional capacity and work capacity, with any recommended aids or adaptations that may be necessary, providing we have received consent from the individual concerned.



Depending upon the nature of the report required, we can advise on:

  • Our physiotherapy assessment findings and observations
  • Current functional ability and limitations of the individual
  • Short and long-term functional capability
  • Current and potential future care and rehabilitation needs
  • Current and potential future aids and adaptations that may be required
  • Any necessary workplace / school-based risk assessments, protocols or ergonomic adaptations / provisions that may be required
  • The individual’s ability to return to work, suggested time-frames and suitable work-related tasks / duties based on their condition and prognosis
  • Projected costs for short and long-term care, equipment, rehabilitation and support

Upon receipt of written instruction from the party requesting the report, we will contact the individual concerned within 24 hours and offer them an appointment with us. This instruction can be e-mailed or posted to us. Short reports will be completed and submitted within 48 hours of the assessment taking place. Longer, more detailed reports will be completed and submitted within one week of the assessment date.

We can provide quotations for the costs of all reports upon request. Costs for reports will depend upon the location of the assessment (home / workplace / school visits will incur mileage and travel time costs), and the time taken to prepare and complete the report. Please discuss this with us prior to instruction.

Please also advise us, at the time of instruction, regarding any specific information that you require, the purpose of the report, and the timescales within which you wish the report to be completed and submitted to yourselves.

Please note that our Company Terms and Conditions for payment of invoices regarding reports are 30 days upon submission of the completed report.

"I am a Case Manager working with children and adults with an acquired brain injury and children with Cerebral Palsy. My Company commenced using Yorkshire Children's Physiotherapy approximately 2 years ago for a young child following an acquired brain injury. Since that time I have used their services with a number of my clients as indeed have my colleagues. I find that their knowledge in respect of discipline and neurological injuries is thorough. They advise carers in a professional manner and prepare protocols for correct moving and handling and postural management. I rely on YCP to provide good and consistent advice in respect of the rehabilitation of physical and neurological injuries. I have found that they interact well with clients and families, share knowledge appropriately, work well in the multi-disciplinary teams, and are caring and professional. Our work is such that I am often seeking a speedy response and the YCP physiotherapists are always willing to juggle things around so that my clients obtain the service that they require. I would have no hesitation in recommending them as a therapist"

Patti Summerfield MBA, CQSW
Case Manager
  • hcpc registered (logo)
  • Physio-First-Logo
  • ACPIN (logo)
  • APCP (logo)
  • AACP (logo)