If you are self-paying, you can pay by cash, cheque or credit / debit card at any one of our clinics. If you are having your physiotherapy sessions within either your home or your school, we can only accept payment by cash or cheque. We normally take payment after each session rather than issue a monthly or end of treatment invoice.
If your insurance policy is covering your physiotherapy costs we can either invoice them directly (an authorisation code / reference is often required), or we can issue you with a receipt of payment if you are paying for the sessions yourself and then recouping the cost from your insurance company. If you are being referred to us via a Case Manager, Solicitor or Insurer, they may be covering the costs of your sessions and have agreed this cost with us prior to referring you to us. As such, we will normally invoice them directly.
If your physiotherapy assessment and treatment is taking place in your home, school or another location away from our clinics, a travel cost may additionally apply depending upon that location. Please discuss this with us prior to arranging your appointment.